Thursday, October 2, 2008

No Place Like a SkyScrapper

I had a lot of trouble with animating my piece on targets. I ended up deleting what i had to have something some what legible as a working piece. I am aware this is considered a uncompleted piece at the moment and attend to have a portfolio work for next class. My attentions were to have the images blink once on right target and have the related images appear in replace of the drag-out images.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

09/30/08 Bowl of Yum!

I altered my comp based on the suggestions given from class last thursday: I changed the registration on all items, created a button to screen back to the first scene, reconstructed my ice cream, changed the mouse events to interact with the ice cream, and played with the text more. The men are easier to eat, the square is no longer visible during the decrease of alpha. The registration is a little off on one of the men, in hopes that the user selects it last. This man includes a more active script to end the consumption process.